Improve industrial water treatment accuracy with OLI Systems

Managing industrial water systems requires precise control over water chemistry to prevent issues such as scaling, solids formation, and inefficiencies in industrial processes. OLI’s advanced modeling delivers high levels of accuracy by adjusting water chemistry to electro-neutrality, balancing critical parameters like pH and alkalinity, and ensuring reliable treatment outcomes. The software allows users to model water systems in detail, identify potential problems early, and fine-tune treatment processes to optimize performance and safety.

Challenges in Industrial Water Treatment

Addressing the complexities of water chemistry

Industrial water treatment comes with numerous challenges due to the variability in water compositions and the complexity of managing water chemistry at a large scale. It is crucial to achieve the correct chemical balance, but certain factors challenge system stability and force issues like scaling or equipment degradation.

Solids formation

The precipitation of solids like calcium sulfate can impact equipment and reduce operational efficiency.


Incorrect pH or ion imbalance can lead to scaling in critical areas, reducing equipment lifespan and requiring costly interventions.

Data uncertainty

Incomplete or inaccurate water chemistry data can lead to poor decision-making in water treatment processes, affecting plant performance.

What is water and wastewater treatment modeling?

Water and wastewater treatment modeling is the process of using advanced software tools to simulate and analyze the chemical, physical and biological processes that occur in water treatment systems. This modeling leverages detailed data about water composition, treatment processes, and environmental conditions to help engineers and operators make informed treatment optimization decisions, reduce costs, and meet regulatory requirements.

Why is modeling important for water and wastewater treatment?

Effective treatment of water and wastewater is essential for ensuring clean water supply, protecting public health and maintaining environmental standards. Treatment plants face complex challenges, including handling high Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), removing harmful contaminants and managing sludge production. Water treatment modeling provides a digital representation of these processes, allowing operators to

Predict system performance

Modeling tools enable operators to forecast how their systems will respond to different water chemistries and operational changes.

Optimize treatment efficiency

By simulating various treatment options, facilities can determine the most efficient process to achieve desired water quality outcomes.

Ensure compliance

With increasingly stringent environmental regulations, modeling can help ensure that wastewater discharges meet local, state and federal requirements, reducing the risk of non-compliance.

Reduce costs

Modeling enables operators to minimize energy and chemical usage, lowering operating expenses while maintaining or improving treatment outcomes.

Key applications of water and wastewater treatment modeling

Water and wastewater treatment modeling offers a powerful solution for optimizing systems, predicting potential issues like scaling or fouling, and simulating real-world scenarios. It enables efficient design, process enhancement and sustainability improvements, such as wastewater reuse and resource recovery, ensuring reliable performance and cost-effective solutions for treatment facilities.

Modeling is used to design new systems and optimize existing ones by predicting how different treatment processes—such as filtration, chemical dosing or biological treatment—will perform under various conditions.

The software can forecast where and when scaling or fouling might occur, allowing operators to take preventative measures and avoid costly maintenance shutdowns.

Models simulate real-world scenarios such as changes in influent water quality, emergency discharges, or plant modifications, helping operators plan for contingencies and maintain consistent performance.

Modeling can optimize processes for wastewater reuse, nutrient recovery and energy generation, contributing to sustainable water management strategies.

Modeling is used to design new systems and optimize existing ones by predicting how different treatment processes—such as filtration, chemical dosing or biological treatment—will perform under various conditions.

The software can forecast where and when scaling or fouling might occur, allowing operators to take preventative measures and avoid costly maintenance shutdowns.

Models simulate real-world scenarios such as changes in influent water quality, emergency discharges, or plant modifications, helping operators plan for contingencies and maintain consistent performance.

Modeling can optimize processes for wastewater reuse, nutrient recovery and energy generation, contributing to sustainable water management strategies.

Why choose OLI for water and wastewater treatment modeling?

OLI Systems provides state-of-the-art software designed specifically for electrolyte chemistry, making it an ideal solution for water and wastewater treatment modeling. With OLI, you gain

Advanced chemistry insights

OLI software models real-world conditions with precision, accounting for factors like ion balance, scaling risks and chemical reactions in complex water systems.

Customizable solutions

Tailor your simulations to match specific treatment goals, from desalination to high-TDS water treatment processes.

Industry-leading support

Our team of experts provides personalized support to help you navigate complex water chemistry challenges and optimize your treatment processes.


Optimizing water chemistry for high TDS RO concentrates

High Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) streams pose significant challenges for water treatment professionals, especially in processes like desalination and reverse osmosis (RO). OLI software provides advanced reconciliation tools that help balance ions, pH, and CO2, leading to accurate predictions of solid formation and boiling point behavior. This case study highlights how using OLI software to analyze RO concentrate with 9,000 mg/L TDS reduces solid formation and improves operational efficiency.

Unlock expert insights on improving operational efficiency in complex water treatment scenarios. Read the full blog to explore these solutions in detail

Master Complex Water Chemistry Challenges

Optimize water treatment with OLI’s advanced modeling solutions for maximum accuracy and control

OLI’s comprehensive water modeling software provides industry-leading accuracy, helping you tackle the complexities of water chemistry with confidence. By modeling critical parameters like pH and alkalinity, OLI enables precise control over your systems, reducing the risks of scaling and solids formation while enhancing overall performance and safety.

OLI Studio: Stream Analyzer

Conduct in-depth electrochemical studies for water treatment, modeling equilibrium for complex aqueous systems through single point and survey calculations, and mixer options to evaluate the effects of combining streams.

OLI Studio: ScaleChem

Perform comprehensive chemistry studies to predict and prevent scaling in industrial water systems, improving treatment outcomes and safeguarding equipment integrity.

OLI Flowsheet: ESP

Simulate steady-state processes for multi-phase water treatment systems, enhancing process design, troubleshooting operational challenges, and ensuring regulatory compliance across treatment facilities.

Discover how we can help optimize operations and ensure regulatory compliance across the entire water management lifecycle.